Like many of you, I grew up knowing there wasn’t enough. Not enough time, not enough attention, and not enough money. Part of this may be due to the ghost of the Depression which seems to linger in American families still. But people just seem to be convinced that the Universe is against them and there’s nothing to be done about it. We’re broke and that’s the fact Jack.
So I adapted to this understanding by just not wanting anything. I am still not allowed to want anything. Instead, I have a stubborn pride in making do. I am good at keeping the boat afloat but when it comes to imagining a bigger boat, I decide I don’t need one. I’m good with what I’ve got. And it certainly doesn’t help that our capitalistic society persistently nags us with messages of buy a better you or else. I’m so done with that.
But currently I am 2/3rds of the way through reading Jen Sincero’s You are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth and I’ve begun thinking about things I want. The wall is disintegrating. I’m thinking about the house I’d like to put my aging mother in. The trip to the South of France and Italy I’ve always wanted to eat my way through. And the Piano Week’s tuition at Peabody for my kid next Summer. Or the braces I still need at 53.
But the given in her book is that you want to make the money. Whether I don’t feel I’m worth anything or have anything worth selling may be the real fear here. And so not wanting anything just avoids having to find out if that’s true of not. Either way, I know the BS fairy is having her way with me and I am standing looking straight into the eye of this storm. Because it wasn’t money that did me wrong, it was the way the people I loved used it wrongly. And the the sooner I get a proper perspective on it, the better.
Healing wounds takes time and “money” is definitely a wound I need to heal. So I’m gonna finish reading this book and start again on considering my money goals and find out where my next mind-blowing wisdom is coming from. Anyone know this story, live this story too?
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