It seems enough that I just chose to shop at this particular establishment. I chose that over all other places offering the same merchandise to spend my money. Sometimes the proprietor or establishment acknowledges this fact and I like when they do that. Outside my voting power, I equally value my buying power.


So why is it that I am now expected to fill out an ever loving survey after I’ve done this service for them. The poor cashier who has to pull out their pen and write their name on my receipt and ask me personally to take their online survey within thirty six hours of my purchase and I may be entered into a pool to win a pool.

I Wish I Had Time To Care, But I Don't , So I Won't on

I walk out of that store and I’m the one spending my effort and time on that item. Except for when I have to enter the amount I spent into my checkbook, I am moving my effort on. I find it rude to be asked to do work for free. I’m exhausted with all the obligatory patience I have to spend already on clothing and children smelling and looking clean. I’m fried after having to fry, or even consider the frying of, the fishes in my pan 21 times a week.

It ‘s not that I want every day to be Mother’s Day, I just don’t want to be asked to do anymore. My time is way more precious. Just Do It requires will power to complete.

And If you enjoyed what you read, subscribe, via the subscription box in the sidebar, to my thrice weekly posts via your emailbox. And visit me on Instagram to see my daily pictures, friend me or like my page on Facebook. Or come find me on Twitter or Pinterest too. I am always practicing Intentional Intouchness so chat at me please. I live for conversations.

And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.


  1. My dear, such a wonderful post. I hear you and I understand you! This overwhelming feeling that everything is too much. We need ‘me time’ more than ever. I don’t do surveys and feedback anymore, it’s enough that we are spending our money!

    • Straw and camels backs. And I don’t even have a 9 – 5 job! 21 fish drys to plan though! Thank you for reading Elizabeth!

    • Thank you for getting it and for being here for me Elizabeth! And letting me know you’re here even if you don’t say anything. That’s comforting.

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