Gruesome sights, they’re everywhere. Wild and dead animals, vehicular crime scenes aplenty. Eyeballs popping out or just cold blackened stares. Bloody swaths on the street. Must be Fall.
Beware the frenzied Kamikaze squirrels, ironically with only the business of survival on their minds. Beware the hunted doe running from bucks and bullets. Overpopulation is their unbeknownst doom otherwise.

Compassionately I remove the carcasses, the now soulless bodies from the roadway. I delivered a handsome deceased fox back to the woods from where he came. Acting only as the delivery gal back to nature, I launched a squirrel off the precipice offering his carcass to the carrion.
We are a part of the cycle of life. We are these beasts eventually. Their and our time must come. I hope you show me the same compassion when my time arrives and launch me back into the cosmos.
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