Mood Clouds

Mood Clouds

More than a few people have spoken of feeling down recently. How quickly l went to questioning the weather or politics as the cause not even knowing their circumstances. Because, what if up and down is our natural rhythm? And we all have perpetual memory loss that this is our way? What if it’s as…

Stay Strong and Let it Be OKay to Not Be OKay
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Stay Strong and Let it Be OKay to Not Be OKay

At the bank today, I overheard a woman say “Stay Strong” and I said, “I prefer that to’stay safe’.” The teller said that the woman who said that was starting a campaign to promote mental health awareness and depression support through this time. And I said, “I can totally support that. I’m spreading Stay Strong”….

Habit and Anxiety Makes Us Feel The Fear is Real
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Habit and Anxiety Makes Us Feel The Fear is Real

Our societal addiction to anxiety is epic at this point. Number one mental disorder of the world is anxiety and it’s companion, depression. Depression is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. for people ages 15 to 45. Undiagnosed and untreated, people are on autopilot in their everyday lives perpetually bridging the gaps between…