Sweet Technology

Sweet Technology

Were you to know me, you’d be shocked by my use of the phrase of “sweet technology”. I have had a long running substantiated horrible history with technology. Although it’s never the tech’s fault and always my spastic excitable brain’s fault, I still have long had a bad taste in my mouth for technological anything….

Pulling My Stepstool Up to the Mountain
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Pulling My Stepstool Up to the Mountain

Yesterday took a tough turn. I hit a bump I know exists but usually avoid. But my e-course homework had me placing my step stool next to that inevitable bump cum mountain. I stepped up, took a look, agreed it was the same mountain I have assumed I can not climb, stepped down and walked…

I Put My Mind On What Mattered and Did It Anyway
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I Put My Mind On What Mattered and Did It Anyway

After blogging for over a year, I took a recent  opportunity to take part in an e-course called Blogging Your Way. Led by established blogger, teacher, designer, and public speaker Holly Becker of Decor8, I felt privileged to learn from her. The course and the timing were right. The fact that I’m blogging at all…