Halloween Decorations 2016
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Halloween Decorations 2016

I almost didn’t do it. I thought about the effort it smacked of and the time it would take to go into the attic and drag everything out and down. And then I thought about how happy their little faces would be seeing Halloween explode in the house miraculously. And so I decorated! No plan,…

Week Three Of My and Our Creative September
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Week Three Of My and Our Creative September

Yes, as if I could learn anymore, this third week of my, and our, creative September (#ourcreativeseptember on Instagram where others joined me !) has brought another few layers of ahas from this month-long creativity challenge. Having moved through the cloud of resistance, I am now stepping into create mode very quickly. As a given…

Why Our 2016 Summer Vacation Didn’t Suck
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Why Our 2016 Summer Vacation Didn’t Suck

For a long time, I resented you and your family vacation. I didn’t really have a quintessential family growing up, think broken home and raised by wolves, and there were no vacations to be remembered. Your pictures of yearly fun at the seashore and by the lake house were just a reminder of my lack…