I almost didn’t do it. I thought about the effort it smacked of and the time it would take to go into the attic and drag everything out and down. And then I thought about how happy their little faces would be seeing Halloween explode in the house miraculously. And so I decorated! No plan, never enough time to make it “perfect” but still I did it. It’s the right thing to do.
Fiona was thrilled. She ran around saying the word “cute” a lot in that affected girl way we apparently do when we’re shopping. They fought over the squeaky rat, they bickered about which plastic pumpkin they would trick or treat with, and Fiona helped me install the bat sheet which I find sorta zen.
Here’s the video walk through I made so you can see the house as it is all together.
And check Fiona in costume for my Halloween post on October 31. She was very cute, of course.
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