So, my last thought as we enter the “New Year”? Moms make the world go round. Besides making sure undies are clean, we’re making the memorable decisions. Whether Mom is good or bad, she’s made decisions that have rocked your world. I’d like to hope upon hope that the ones I’ve made this holiday were good. I regret not heading off the expectations for a DS player from Santa.
How could I not be ego maniacal and venerate the Mama when I rocked hard tonight. I made the meatballs and sauce early. With the boys help, the homemade pasta got cranked out and we had a lovely dinner at 6PM. Then we had our family movie night complete with the Despicable Me DVD from the library. For a six-year-old, that’s good times with the parental units. I guess you’ll have to ask him next week if this is true.
Personally, I don’t have any good memories of being with both of my parents. So that is tantamount for me with my kid. I suppose he’ll be the only to know for sure. But we’re not sitting in front of the TV every night. We have dinner facing each other. That is by design. Some of the only memories I have of my parents together are of dinner and special TV programs. Like The Wizard of OZ on the Friday after Thanksgiving on channel 11.
So when the kid grows up and remembers anything, it’ll be a lot of the events and activities I put into place for the family’s sake. His Aunt saw fit to host our post-Christmas get-together for the same reasons. His Dad, well he stayed home before the holiday and built a train garden with the kid. His choice to abstain from work was duly noted.
So there’s my shout out to all the Mothers. If we are the creators of memories, that makes our decisions pretty important. Our choices pack a memorable punch. We consciously set the tone for others’ existence. Thinking of him and his memories will always be on my priority list, Not that he needs any help thinking about himself But those of you who know, know. And it wasn’t all bad for me either.
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