My near 15 year old is in the other room playing Scenes From an Italian Restaurant by Billy Joel, a song popular when I was 15 years old. And when I was a 15 year old, I really didn’t regard myself with much self-esteem and never could have foreseen being a mother to a gifted pianist.

We just don’t have a clue about what’s coming, do we? We can only do the next right thing; for ourselves, our children, and our community. We can choose choices we’re proud to have made alongside people we are proud to call our friends. Everything is an illusion.

We’re all kinda biding our time and treading water until our denied endings. But we can make the time in between mean more than spending and getting money. My life is me spinning all my wisdom into beautiful readable and view-able webs. And I don’t think there’s a nobler effort made anywhere than that of the artist expressing what it feels to be human.

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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.

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