This past school year, my son learned about a type of poem I was unfamiliar with.

The last 2 credits I earned for college so that I could graduate were in an upper level poetry course. And I’ve still never heard of this.

The type of poem is called a Cinquain.

Created by Adelaide Crapsey (no kidding) in 1915, the poem started with five lines with the syllables following a pattern of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 2 syllables.

Seems Junie B. Jones and PBS Kids popularized the form. Awesome.

So our Mother’s Day and Father’s Day cards both contained Cinquains. And here they are.

Mother's day poem 001

I believe I am the best Mom ever. And I help, shop, and work. Moving on.

Daddy' day card 001

A little jealous now. Mark’s the kind and imaginative and intriguing Daddy.

I am not sure how many syllables he was told to use for each line but no matter, I love them.

Interested in writing one? Find the How To at Kenn Nesbitt’s Poetry 4 Kids . Com site

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  1. That is SO NEAT! I was thinking it was a new one, but 1915???? WOW! neat technique!

    and yeah daddys get all the freaking good press it’s ridiculous.

  2. Yeah, my daughter is daddy obsessed. The upshot is that I get some nice breaks when only dada will do. I give Hub the eye that says “How you like it?! Bwahahaha.”

    1. Left Fiona with him today while I went to get a filling. Come back and he says she’s been crying for forty five minutes straight. What? Now neither of us will want to do that again. She never does that with me. Not the Mama!

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