Let it Be Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy
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Let it Be Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

Let It Be Easy (Peasy Lemon Squeezy} A Prayer to the Universe Longing to fill this glowing space back in. With my life, my creative breath Beauty of Me-ness Bee-ness For me to share the sights I seek to see And To Be Seen As Me, the One I Know I Am To Be And…

Your Roots Can Show

Your Roots Can Show

Overtime, inevitably, roots will show. Life if formed from and based on roots. Allow them to be there. Let them show. Let them comfortably confirm the origin of your wisdom, beauty, and change. And then feel free to cover them up again for another future unveiling.   Interested in reading my more of my thoughts…

Inside vs. Outside

Inside vs. Outside

Looking for all the answers, my anchorsout there…everywhere.For a fix, for an answer.When inside is truly where my wisdom liesawaiting my discovery.Every day I pray for a shift.I wish for ease. I wish for a life in which I’m appreciative and grateful,instead of disgruntled.Behind me I drag flaming oozy life bits.Instead of forgiving them, severing…