I began my creative RE-awakening in October of 2015 when I joined a group online for a “Creativity Bootcamp” Challenge. I had become aware that my inner creative, aka inner child, was in need of some expression, or else. And what would follow was creative momentum and community that I have come to cherish.
I am about to host another creativity challenge for March ’20. Using the hashtag #OurCreativeMarch on Instagram (and Facebook), we’ll share what we create every day of March. Creating is a whole lotta fun when you do it in a group.
And when I say create, I mean any form of creating. Creativity can encompass decorating, painting, poetry, photography, cooking, or even just an interesting post to talk about the word prompt. Almost all of the prompts were offered up by the community that will be participating.

In case you need some inspiration for your creativity, review the five keys to flow below. And read my article Non-negotiable Creative Soul Living .
Five Keys To Flow
Ritual – Create a mood or environment that’s conducive to creativity
Solitude and Enough Time
Focus – Plan ahead of time what you’ll be doing specifically
You can’t command creativity – The cat under the bed will move further back if it doesn’t want to come out.
Trust and Welcome whatever comes forth/out
I thought to look into how I’d chronicled the challenges I’d been in and hosted and was surprised to see all of these. There were also Soul Selfie Challenges.
Read about the First Creativity Bootcamp in October 2015 here and here and here
Read about the second Creativity Bootcamp February ’16 here and here
Summer Madness Creativity Bootcamp session June ’16 here
My Our Creative September ’16 challenge here and here
Our Creative Selves Challenge Feb ’17 is here
See Our Creative May ’17 here and here and here .
And Our Creative June ’18 here
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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.
If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or
Find and friend me on Instagram to view my daily pictures and art projects.
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And as always, thank you for your visit.