Stack collage on

Day three of Creativity Bootcamp 2016 had me making my third collage with the prompt I set ahead. I wrote 8 prompts out so that I would not balk for inspiration the moment I stepped up to the craft table. This first collage was prompted by “Green”.
As I began to gather my paper pieces, the encyclopedia page with the Wrigley building in Chicago was what I grabbed as my background. The caption said it was built entirely from chewing gum….profits. So the green theme was expanded.

Processed with VSCO

This second collage above was from my prompt “Stack”. The smokestack happened to also be in my pile on my work bench leftover from the Valentine’s wreath I did in the Altered books crafting group activity I participated in in January.  I’d watercolored a book picture of Rio do Janero earlier and I added in some of my more vibrantly painted cut up pages. Ta Da. Took maybe 20 minutes. Very satisfying.

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This, my third day’s collage offering, was prompted by the word ” glimmer”. Kraft paper, another old encyclopedia page of a mountain and snow, and a silver paint pen. Took me five minutes tops. Because I spent the rest of the day working on a decorative piece for a fundraiser installation. See my thoughts on the challenge here.

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    1. Oh Dianna, I Do Know. Accountability is everything. It’s the one thing that will help you lose weight and the one thing that will have you show up to ‘ll paper or easel. Because you know you said it to other people and they be waiting for you to do it. Even if they really won’t, you know ?
      Thanks for reading!

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