My recent discovery that I had truly been standing in the way of my creativity had me shoving this self-created blockage out-of-the-way. I am beginning a daily creative practice. And what better way than a month along creativity challenge for the month of September. If I can do an Instagram photo a day, I can do a 5 minute art piece. Or 15 or 30 minute art piece. I am making art a non-negotiable.
And so I’m announcing my 31 Days of Creativity Challenge for the month of September. It’s my way of putting it out there and being accountable to myself by telling you. You are more than welcome to join me in creating for as many or as few of the days as you’d like. Or you can cheer silently from the sidelines.
This is about creating habits Y’all. They say the easiest way to do that is to couple the new habit with one you already have. I am not at all sure what that will mean in my day except perhaps my first thing coffee drinking. I am also still living by is no housework while I’m alone in the house. And I am following the “Do your work First” guidelines. Before you web surf or get your quip out in some forgettable online conversation, get your work done.
So starting on Thursday, September 1st, I’ll be making art daily and posting it to my Shalavee Facebook page. I’ve done these challenges before most notably with The Curious Love of Green’s blog mistress Jane Barry. Read my summary of intentions for one here. There’ll be picture round-ups thrown in with my regular blog posting on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. And I’m still doing the live Facebook chat on my Shalavee FB page at noon every Friday. If you can’t join me, you can always drop by and watch later as they go to tape afterwards !
I appreciate your support and am thinking I’ll be doing an art give away in the middle of the month to share my love. Thank you lovely people and wish me luck and stealth.
And If you enjoyed what you read, subscribe, via the subscription box in the sidebar, to my thrice weekly posts via your emailbox. And visit me on Instagram to see my daily pictures, friend me or like my page on Facebook. Or come find me on Twitter orPinterest too. I am always practicing Intentional Intouchness so chat at me please. I live for conversations.
And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.
If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or
Find and friend me on Instagram to view my daily pictures and art projects.
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And as always, thank you for your visit.
Good luck and art stealth to you! You always come through these challenges in a wise & wonderful way, so I’ll be watching appreciatively from the sidelines. Cheers!
I can not tell how much it means to me that you have witnessed enough of me to know my follow through capabilities. And knowing that you are watching, makes you my focused audience. Makes you a better writer to write to one person. Makes you a better speaker to speak to one person. And so we’ll see if it makes me a better artist too?
Love to you,