18 Days into my 100 Days of Letting Go of Past Shite Project
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18 Days into my 100 Days of Letting Go of Past Shite Project

In the beginning of the week, I committed to publishing three posts in this post. As I promised myself, here’s the first roundup and progress report for my recent project titled 100 Days of Letting go of Past Shite. A couple weeks ago I introduced this new project in THIS POST and explained that the…

A New Project Called 100 Days of Letting Go of My Past Shite

A New Project Called 100 Days of Letting Go of My Past Shite

A year has passed since my 28 Days Come What May project. It ended up being a success in that I did end up losing the weight just for the fact that I changed my anti-anxiety medicine that had caused me to gain it in the first place. That new med has recently changed again…

Navigating the World’s Shoulds
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Navigating the World’s Shoulds

So many shoulds coming at us daily. Other people’s recipes for our lives flooding our heads. The shoulds of womanhood, motherhood, parenthood, successful people, healthy people, and intelligent people. Of good daughters and good citizens and good Christians. Oh you know what the shoulds sound like. I should have a clean house, a balanced diet,…