I have written ad nauseam about the amazing gift we have to choose our lives. We get to choose our lifestyles and who we call community. We get to choose what we believe and how we practice what we believe, where we spend our money and where we don’t. And while it’s a giddy freedom to know that our choices are truly up to us, it is also daunting and possibly terrifying.
The potential to make a mistake is forever your company. I have a “first marriage”. There were people we hired to work on our house who we shouldn’t have. There is an amount of debt rolled into my mortgage for the antiques and gift shop that I failed to succeed with.
But there are also bits and pieces of those failed choices that made me who I am. Disappointments that shaped me into the person I am. Choices that will lead me to better choices, to streamlining my choice making processes. And to be a little more aware of when my inner voice tells me to beware.
If I believe that failure lays the path to success then the faith in this is the very tool I need to get through to the success. That and the knowledge that failure is a circumstance and not something you are. Separating myself from the outcomes of the my choices may be the key to choosing to fail more. And aspiring to more successes than just keeping safe.
What is your outlook today on the success of your life? Are you choosing to risk or staying safe within a life recipe that doesn’t fit you?
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Failure teaches us what we want to do differently.
Truth Mala!