As the week comes to a skidding halt, I wanted to catch you up on all the wonderful creative endeavors which have passed and some yet to come.

On November 3rd, I wrote myself a permission slip to create.  I Instagrammed my crappy cell phone picture.

permission slip from

The permission slip reads:

“I hereby give myself permission to make art, To prioritize, schedule, and spend time making art. Because I need to make a change in my life.”

I went on to say, “I needed to grant myself permission. And now that I have it, there’s no question that art needs to happen every single day of my life. And that my soul will rise above the troubles I always have when I’m stuck in my think box”.

And so I began to make something daily.

My craft table on

On my to do list were making cards for birthday gals and pen pals. And then people said how great these were and I said I’ll send you one too. So I made more. I am still making them and sending them. I’m attempting to prove that I can step up and create at any moment and that I can justify my future Etsy shop with my creations. And I’m giving what I’d like to receive.

Handmade cards on

I was rather Inspired by my trip to DC to the Smithsonian and meeting Kim Werker, the author of Make It Mighty Ugly.

This was written on the wall in the craft exhibit wing.

You don't Make it with your hands on

My mind is such a thought labyrinth that unless I have rules to follow around making stuff more often giving me pleasure and hope, then I won’t create and that’s no good. Rules are made to be obeyed. My new rule is to create constantly. So these happened next.

painted leaves  on
painted leaves on

I’m still feeling a heartfelt ‘Wow’ for these leaves which were absolutely inspired by something I saw online that blew me away.

I took it and spun it my way. And these in turn inspired some other cards. More on those later.

Moonvine on Harrison Street in Easton, Md on shalavee-staging-1.local

I also stopped by Moonvine to see Pama. She’s asked me if I would decorate a tree for the Hospice Festival of Trees. So that makes three Christmas trees I’ll have my hands on this year. Next week I’ll be making a proper visit to Moonvine for picture-taking so you can see all the wonderful holiday merchandise she just got in. Shopping locally is so very easy when you have these kind of covetable presents to choose from. FUN.

I'm changing on shalavee-staging-1.local

I am continuing to live my hope through my creative actions and I’m definitely finding I see life a little differently with this permission finally in place. I loved this little butterfly collage and I think it embodies how I feel these days. Have a lovely fabulous amazing weekend and a wonderful Waterfowl Festival weekend to everyone in Easton, Maryland.

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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.

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And as always, thank you for your visit.


  1. I love that you’re creating every day! Because really, all that disciplined creativity will lead to even more spontaneous creativity. It’s just like writers doing writing practice every day, whether they write something crappy or wonderful. Yay! Happy for you!

    1. From the original powerhouse creator, that’s high compliment. Yes creativity leads to more. Making it hard can be habitual. Making it easier makes it easier. I agree that it feeds on itself too. Can’t wait to see pictures of your holiday happenings. The ones you can show and that you are excited about. Ha.
      Love Ya’ Much Suzonne,

    1. Oh Amy, thank you!!! Tree trimmings have been scheduled for at least two Mondays in December. No idea when mine is happening or what I’ll do/change. But Certainly I’ll find some inspiration between now and then. Always do. Keep watching for the creativity to continue.

  2. I’d like to raise my hand to get in line for one of those beautiful cards.they are indeed frame-able art made from your mind through your heart fused with a whole lot of love and positive mojo with your hands.
    I do believe these cards could change the world!!!
    Go girl!!!

    1. Keep your eyes peeled Mistress Sue. You are a grand dame in the halls of creativity and should expect to be paid your respect. As to changing the world, you want to collaborate on that project? Ha!
      Love Ya’,

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