If you didn’t know, I married a lighting guy. And three years ago, lighting guy husband named Mark bought his own gear and began a business called On Your Mark Lighting Design and Equipment. (If you want to see the pretty pictures of his work, wait for the next post. Because it’s coming.) He now rents out his knowledge and design abilities and his gear to those in need. From TV shows in DC to tent weddings in Chestertown, he is very talented at what he does.

Diane Sawyer: A Life In News, the Kalb Report at the National Press Club
Diane Sawyer who spoke about journalists banding together for the common good
Navy Point fetes in clear top
A clear top tent wedding with Fete lights at Navy Point, St. Michaels, MD

After two years of storing his lighting gear in our garage, Mark’s has moved his “shop” Northward to Greensboro and his friend Paul’s outbuilding. I can now see our garage and through the glass doors to the backyard. And the big dead tree but whatever. It’s spacious and awaiting my next project.


The new shop is swanky. Apparently this is also Mr Paul’s man cave because there’s the couch,TV, pool table, and air hockey table. In his summer downtime, Mr. Paul built customized shelves made from pallets to hold the lighting gear and accoutrements. I was very impressed by Mr. Paul’s handiwork when the family went to tour the new digs.

Mark’s cases which he built, are getting a new decal
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And it gives Eamon a chance to go with Daddy somewhere else. Mark does his shop time and then comes home thus separating the the work from the off. And the load in and out is way easier. Thanks to Mr. Paul for helping to make this happen. And for your innovative use of pallets.


And tell anyone you think may need to know, you know a guy who designs lighting.

If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or

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