The fifth year for my 100 day project is going by quickly. Once I got the rhythm down, I just had to show up and get it done. One day at a time, I’ve formed a habit of creativity yet again. And like the years before, I have reproved that I can count on myself when I both want to and need to. That I can make my creativity a non-negotiable.

And if I can do that, I figured I could make my health a priority too. I started the 28 Day Come What May project (#28DaysComeWhatMay) on May 2nd ’22, to kick start that health habit again.

Read more about this Fitness Project Here

With a half of an hour every day, one can accomplish a lot of things. Enjoy the gallery below!

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Catch up with the project and see Days one through 25 Here.

And see Days 26 through 51 Here.

Check out the gallery button under Creative Projects to see previous 100 Day projects.

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If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or

Find and friend me on Instagram to view my daily pictures and art projects.

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And as always, thank you for your visit.

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