The weather has been dream Spring weather. Cooler temperatures have tempted me into doing further gardening beyond what my sister Michelle helped me with during her visit for Eamon’s performances in the play and concerts at the end of May. It’s breezy and overcast now and the hummingbirds are visiting the feeders at this very moment.
Despite the fact that I didn’t get to start my garden revamp last Fall like I had intended, I feel I have regained my hope from the despaired place I was at the beginning of the year. Am endeavoring to snatch moments in the garden to do a little something as both therapy and a slow and steady approach to change. I planted a peony that my sister had gifted me at the sunny end of the bed.
The other morning before school, I chose to iron just the clothing that I hadn’t been able to wear. The napkins can wait until another day. These days, if I cook a big meal with a lot of dishes, I attack the kitchen cleanup in phases.
A lot of doing it my way today. I bought myself “Mother’s Day” gifts marked down at Aldi. A lavender and thyme candle and a little marble pedestal for it. And some flowers. And pickles. I made myself take the giveaways and the recycling to the car as it started to rain. But the rain let up and gave way to a lovely day and I went for a 20 minute walk/run around deserted soccer fields.

Meanwhile, the carpenters are on the porch finishing up the ceiling. I await all of that so I can finish up the painting and seal the porch floor. I have stopped freaking out about the money and just want to sit out there before the weather turns hot.
I feel this growing sense of satisfaction and serenity that Summer brings. A hedonistic slow down to the rush and hustle of school days. I wish this feeling for you too. The permission to take tasks in phases and to ask for the help to get it done quicker so you can both kick back and remember to enjoy your life while you are still living it.
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So wonderful to ease into summer and garden at your own pace. I love sitting on the deck too ♡
And the weather continues to be astoundingly gorgeous here. Going out to the porch with my coffee in a second. Thanks for visiting Tanya!