I am Tarred and Feathered and it’s Not 10AM

I am Tarred and Feathered and it’s Not 10AM

Today is one of those days where I’m experiencing a crisis in confidence, a toppling of convictions. I don’t feel very clever or confident. And I can sit here and notice all the facts that prove this. I don’t know how to type. I’m a hunt and peck writer, shameful. Still haven’t mustered the courage…

How Instagram Helped Cure Me of Anxiety
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How Instagram Helped Cure Me of Anxiety

I love to connect with like-minded creative women on Instagram. This format of Social media (also known as a platform) became my preferred online social interaction as I was trying to build an audience for my blog. I very hesitantly joined communities and challenges and slowly started to poke my head out of my fear…

Give Yourself the Credibility for the Courage You’ve Already Shown
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Give Yourself the Credibility for the Courage You’ve Already Shown

It took me exactly 51 years and 179 days to have the courage to get here. There’s much that I will not remember about this half century I’ve lived. And there’s much that I could remember if I put my mind to thinking about it. But I think the greatest tragedy is the disrespect we…

A Wise Why

A Wise Why

I am busy re-assessing why the heck I’d want to get anything published. It’s all been so painful with the asking to be rejected kind of stuff, I had to stop cold and reconfigure my why. Because if it’s for your approval, I’ve discovered, it’s not going to work for me. A wise why is…

Just Because You’re Afraid Doesn’t Mean You’re Not Brave
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Just Because You’re Afraid Doesn’t Mean You’re Not Brave

Fiona was inconsolable with her self-pity after her recent round of shots. I thought she needed them for Pre-K but it seems we got them a year earlier than necessary. They’re done now. And those band-aids that I couldn’t remove from her thighs for days were proof that she wasn’t brave. Don’t even suggest it…