Our windows are open. I’ve been lying awake in the morning listening to the birdsong. All different types of birds adding their unique love of life to the world. No need for permission to sing or be. Just singing and being.

Collaging daily is coming easier fore this year’s 100 day project. It feels easy to just create. A dozen days in and I do not care what the pieces look like. I am only happy to engage in the process and just be creating

“Remember that in choosing to create you have acted with a rare courage. You have let down the mask; you have called forth your best self; you have taken a chance and revealed your heart to the world. This, no matter how struggling and unformed the creation it brings forth, is a praiseworthy act. For all creation is an act of love, and in the merest making of your art you have, in your own small way, made the world a little richer, a little warmer, and a little more filled with love.”

Kent Nerburn – Dancing with the Gods (thanks to Tara Leaver for quoting)

Anything that you do daily becomes not only habitual but ritual. There’s a sense of purposeful clarity on our daily promises to ourselves. Remove the negotiation and the act becomes a prayer for a better life. There is nothing more noble that a commitment to ones happiness.

Happy to have you with me on my journey as I let down my mask …

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