Torn Between the Garden and the Spring Cleaning : First World Problems

Torn Between the Garden and the Spring Cleaning : First World Problems

I can remember being very impatient with the way the seasons would take their time to move on. It seemed like an infinity to wait before Spring would arrive. I feel very differently now at twice the age. I like how long Winter takes because I don’t have as much to be responsible for while…

What Self-Care May also Look Like
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What Self-Care May also Look Like

It feels like I’m just now coming out of the tale-spin of the holidays, more first of the year obligations, and the winter illnesses that somehow have besieged us at the same time. All the gorgeous clarity and connectedness of my writing and intention work has joined so many other forgotten goals and projects and…

Purging the Stuff That Owns Us
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Purging the Stuff That Owns Us

The pruning, the watering, the dusting, and the ironing. If you have stuff, you need to upkeep it. Kids need food and clothes. Your body needs hair cuts and doctor’s appointments. Your house needs gutters and your car needs gas. If we listen to the mantra of American marketing, getting more while spending less is…

Just Keep Swimming : When Perpetual Busyness Isn’t Ideal
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Just Keep Swimming : When Perpetual Busyness Isn’t Ideal

I told my husband I felt a little Dory-ish of late. My motto is “Just Keep Swimming”. Generally feeling that the busyness was taking me through my days and I was getting through to get to the other side. Sometimes life is about endurance. I told him that I missed those days in my distant…

The Joys of Housework
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The Joys of Housework

I honestly love doing housework. There’s a rhythm and a worthiness in accomplishing the tasks that encompass cleaning and organizing and keeping the household running smoothly. Because keeping house is like maintaining an organic machine. There are systems and rhythms. And just like when you don’t exercise, when you don’t dust for a while there’s…

The To Do List Continues
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The To Do List Continues

It’s Monday and the “To Do” list is about to take on biblical proportions. There were those items that weren’t quite completed from last week. And many more to-dos were spawned over the weekend. I did manage to mow the lawn (not on the list) and relaxed (mandatory). Why does this beast perplex me so?…