Habit and Anxiety Makes Us Feel The Fear is Real
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Habit and Anxiety Makes Us Feel The Fear is Real

Our societal addiction to anxiety is epic at this point. Number one mental disorder of the world is anxiety and it’s companion, depression. Depression is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. for people ages 15 to 45. Undiagnosed and untreated, people are on autopilot in their everyday lives perpetually bridging the gaps between…

Daily Habits, Rituals, Practices, and Projects
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Daily Habits, Rituals, Practices, and Projects

I never thought of myself as a very disciplined person. Addictive yes, disciplined no. And yet, when I started this blog and eventually realized the potential for the improvement of my writing skills, I committed to myself. Decided I was worth a regular writing practice. And so I was given an opportunity to be proud…