I was offered up an opportunity by All The Everydays blogger Jean a chance to muse my writing process. A writing prompt of the most publicly introspective kind. Although I’m a writer, I don’t write about my writing process or purpose or motivation. I may write about what I’m thinking about, what I’m passionate about, what I’m mulling over, or what I just went through. So here goes. I’m a bit interested to hear my own answers.
What am I working on?
I am a willy-nilly writer. I write on whatever subject topic interests me. Until it doesn’t anymore. There’s more than a few pieces that languish in the nether regions of my computer because I lost interest in them. And there’s lists of post topics that seemed like a good idea when I thought of them.
I am working on organizing an Eastern Shore of Maryland bloggers meet-up so that we may exchange ideas and gain the support of other human beings who sit at computer screens a lot. I am also working on a project called 50 Asks which is a round about way of gathering courage and momentum to submit my writing to the bigger world. I need to find more guest posting opportunities. As for current writing pieces, I’m always thinking about something. Sorting out the bigger subjects worthy of bigger places to be published from the smaller ones.
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
There are more than a few of us who are genre escapees. We hate labels. Except we still happen to be mothers, creatives, and writers who have blogs. I can call myself a lifestyle blogger. I am definitely a personal essayist. I’m a blogger who started my blog to gain practice writing. I’ve been writing privately in journals since I was 12 when my English teacher Mrs. Johnson had our class start journaling. The next year, in 8th grade, Mrs. Park said I should think about doing more creative writing. 30 years later, I started to do more creative writing.
Why do I write what I do?
My writing topics range from rogue squirrels and farty butts to why disciplining your children is a great thing. I am a recovering neurotic and victim to my self-discovery more often than not. But of late, I write because I’m curious to know what I might find when I do so. It’s cathartic and good for me as a bowl of flax Wheaties. I like myself when I do it.
How does your writing process work?
First, I get an idea. Then this can go several different ways. I may write it out longhand on a lined tablet while watching the children play at McDonald’s. I may sit down and pour out my first thoughts into a text document that will live on my computer desktop. Or I may write the idea down in my journal or a scrap piece of paper which hopefully ends up near the computer or a list of things to do. Or I may forget to do any of these things for days until the idea melts away or hopefully reappears.
I am a dual creative. I love words and pictures. I value my success in both mediums and have striven really hard to get better at both. I believe I’m succeeding. Find me on Instagram and see if you think I’m doing OK ?
Three bloggers that I love…
If you like to read my stuff, let me suggest you read :
That Curious Love Of Green – Like me, Jane is always working to create a balance between her creativity and her love for her role as Mammy. She lives in Ballinamore, Co Leitrim in the North West of Ireland.
A Chesapeake Journal – Kathy lives here on the MD Shore a county to my south. She’s my gal and her brief picture posts are very reflective of the relaxed life of living in this unique Chesapeake Bay region in the small communities on the peninsula.
Destination Here & Now – Marg and I are both Hogans. She lives in Bathurst NSW Australia. Her photography is amazing and her posts weave words with these stunning pictures often in a dreamy poetic fashion.
Thanks to Jean for her flattery and inclusion. I really did enjoy the challenge. And I hope you take a moment to follow the links to her blog or my other friends blogs. Thanks so much for visiting.
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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.
If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or
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And as always, thank you for your visit.
This was great, Shalagh! I feel as if I’m about a year away from being able to write notes while my children are present. I cannot wait. You have a great instagram account by the way, I hope everyone who reads this will follow you.
Hey Jean!
You are very sweet. And I just left a comment on your blog today before I saw this one. Thanks so much for the impetus to write this piece. I appreciate your courage and enthusiasm and Herculean strength. I dare you to try doing something while they’re in the room. Tell me what you got away with.
Loved reading this and peeking into your process, Shalagh!
Hay Heather,
Thank you for saying anything/something. I forget I have so many writer friends. And as I said to Amy, I would never think to write about my process. So I’m glad that I had a chance, however small, to step there and do that. Want to hear what you’ve been writing on.
Thank you so much for reminding me that I stopped writing and was doing brief picture posts about my life. So helpful! Love you KB
Ha Kathy,
And so often I think I need to be more like Kathy and put a picture up with few words.
Mutual inspiration.
I love the way you weave the visual into your creative process. It’s effective and a pleasure. It’s great to read about your writing!
Thanks for this. In the beginning, the writing was scary. When I knew I needed to weave my visual side in and take my own pictures, that was scary. And now I feel like it really finally represents the daulity of me.As much as this format and theme will permit.
As for describing my process, I wouldn’t have thought it would be that interesting? So I guess I’m glad I got to share.
Love Ya’,