Are You a Mourning Cook Too?
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Are You a Mourning Cook Too?

There was once a time when I cooked for the joy of it. I dared to try different techniques, different regional tastes, or daring feats of culinary craziness. I deboned a turkey for Thanksgiving just to say I did it. I make a mean tiramisu when I take the time to. That went with my…



We grew up with this blended raw vegetable “soup” and I adore it. My twist is to add shrimp as well as the croutons and extra chunks of vegetables. There’s a sort of ceviche vibe this way and makes it more of an appetizer. Sweet chunks of Crab would be fab too. I chuckled to…

The School Cafeteria
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The School Cafeteria

(A treat for you from two years ago. A piece I’d hoped to have published and never got around to submitting so here it is for your reading pleasure instead.) Twice this year, I have taken the “opportunity” to have lunch with my kid. I twitch at this memory and the thought of  the incredible…

My Thoughts On The Clean Eating Challenge
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My Thoughts On The Clean Eating Challenge

This week I participated in a clean eating challenge. You can read up on the concept here and get a better definition than I can give you. Essentially, it’s ceasing to eat crap aka preserved snack/junk food, drinking a tasty shake for breakfast,  exercising 30 minutes a day, every day, and drinking lots of water. As…