How do I restart a project I paused 7 months ago? I’d recommend a running start for momentum so I can finish my project and sail on beyond. There’s so much of me that cherishes the esteem I get from these challenge accomplishments. And sometimes life interrupts your best plans. In this case, I was about to be too busy to do this project properly.
Plus, I think parts of me want to trust that I can resume stuff from interruptions and never again worry that, if I stop, I won’t start again. You get me? Like a rite of passage to bigger girl pastures.
A year and nearly a half has passed since I first thought up my 100 Days of Letting Go of Past Shite Project. Although I’ve done and finished numerous 100 Day projects, this one was to be a little different. I decided that this was not an “each day in a row project” but rather to be a cumulative 100-day project. I knew that if I truly put myself to honest hardcore purging, I’d have purged quite cathartically in 100 effortful days.

In the First 18 Days of My Letting Go of Past Shite Project, I let go of clothing, crafting supplies, food, paper, shoes, kitchen stuff, albums, and a dresser. A friend offered to make me a notebook to mount all my pictures and Instagram dialogue into. And that added another layer of effort to the rest of the efforts. There’s a live video on Instagram of me turning the pages of my new 100-Day project memory book.
That post ends with me saying, “I realize that I might be slightly behind in my days, but I also will say that these projects are not about perfection as much as progress and eventually, completion. And it’s my hope that I will be in a different mental place by the end of my 100-day purge of the past.”
By day #61, I was feeling mighty and yet I couldn’t continue this project while doing the actual time-sensitive 100-Day Project that started in mid-February, ’24. (Find my entire 100 Day Project from February and March ’24 on Instagram.) Day number 61 was posted Mid- March of this year and then I took my hiatus. I knew I wasn’t done with this de-cluttering project, and I also knew it would take effort to reboot it.

Yes, this reboot, like the project itself, is smacking of a lot of effort. But I also made a promise to myself to not abandon it or me and make double doggone certain to make my best effort towards the reboot of my 100-Days of Letting Go of Past Shite project.
And so, here I go!
PS. I had lunch with my friends last week and we discussed how a Picture Memory book could be so meaningful for someone who has to downsize into assisted living perhaps. One said that she knew a woman who said her mother had said she took comfort in the memories that the pictures held in place of the objects.
If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or
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