What if You Did it All Right But You Were Looking at it All Wrong
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What if You Did it All Right But You Were Looking at it All Wrong

It’s not as if I don’t try. As Sara Bareilles sings in her song Armor, “You make me try, try, try, try … it’s all I ever do.” But what if the efforts you make are good, it’s just your expectations of what you can humanly accomplish are off ? What if you’re so used…

What Self-Care May also Look Like
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What Self-Care May also Look Like

It feels like I’m just now coming out of the tale-spin of the holidays, more first of the year obligations, and the winter illnesses that somehow have besieged us at the same time. All the gorgeous clarity and connectedness of my writing and intention work has joined so many other forgotten goals and projects and…

Impatience Makes You Feel You’ve Already Failed
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Impatience Makes You Feel You’ve Already Failed

Have you ever you read something and thought immediately you needed that to be true for you too? Sooner than Later. My journey through blogging and self-discovery has set me face to face with so many options and ideas on how to be and do. And it would seem that I often did myself an…

Letting Go of the People I Thought I Might Have Been
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Letting Go of the People I Thought I Might Have Been

“Why do I have this box of stuff in the attic?”, I wonder. This questionable box has been there so long that it’s developed the dreaded force field. The box, because of its longevity in this spot, has now become a given and almost invisible. Except when I ask, “Why do I have this box…

No Fair
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No Fair

I caught myself this past week being very unfair to me. The slight anxiety I was experiencing was proof that I was doing something in my head that wasn’t kind. When I asked what was at the bottom of this, I realized there were unrealistic expectations about both my body and my writing work that…