Yesterday, began the first full week back to school after the winter holidays. And I was feeling a sudden bout of post-holiday-partum. We celebrated a beautiful holiday with surplus time spent with family eating sumptuous food. I coordinated the event to end all events, because we are all event planners at Christmas. And now I have to strip it all apart. Dismantle the happiness. And then I have to re-purpose myself. Ack!
To find some inspiration, I began to poke around Instagram, clicking on hashtags in curiosity. And I fell upon a woman creating a beautiful mind map which listed all of her different categorized goals for the year. And I said, yes to that idea because art and purpose! Of course, I got halfway through and my family descended on me. But there’s something about being midway through a project that makes you excited to go back to it. I’ll show you more as it progresses. I promise.
I was floundering for a little while there until I intuited a creative way out. I get to decide what I want to have fun accomplishing in 2020. Because, as my husband says, if you are not having fun, you’re not doing it right. So here’s to fun and creativity in 2020 and connecting and creating with my community in more and more ways!
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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.
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Deeply Felt fun is something I have precious little of. I don’t mean to say I don’t laugh or smile or have pleasant experiences because I do. But fun? Not really.
That feels tragic. Why are you not allowed to? And PS, one of my goals for this year is to meet up with more online connections. So we are due to do that then, aren’t we?