There’s No Place Like Home After Vacation
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There’s No Place Like Home After Vacation

I have a love/hate relationship with vacations. While my husband has fabulous memories of singing Kumbaya around beach campfires with numerous cousins, I have one memory of my family camping and there was yelling involved. My childhood vacations meant sleeping on uncomfortable beds at relative’s houses so the parents could get a break from parenting….

Finishing Up My 100 Day Project for 2021 : Days 81 through 100
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Finishing Up My 100 Day Project for 2021 : Days 81 through 100

(Links to the first four posts can be found at the bottom) This year, 2021, the 100 Day project started early. Since many of us were still keeping to ourselves due to the Covid 19 pandemic, it was a brilliant strategy to invest time in myself and rebuild some of my self-trust by doing art…

My 100 Day Project ’20 : Days 26 – 50
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My 100 Day Project ’20 : Days 26 – 50

I’ve been rolling along with my 100 day project during this Pandemic of Covid-19. While I’m happy to say, I’m three quarters of the way through, I have neglected to share pictures from the quarter mark to the half way mark. So here’s the #100daysofshalagh, art and collage on tiny cards from day 26 to…