I was reading recently how in order to be grateful and happy, you need to be present in the very moment you are in. To experience it fully and be thankful for it. This is practicing mindfulness. and absolutely does increase your happiness quotient. But if you are an anxious person, you aren’t present.
We chase ghosts while our beautiful nows bloom and fade before us.
We’re always rushing off to worry about something in the future we can’t control or something in the past that we can’t change. We chase ghosts while our beautiful Nows bloom and fade before us. If the statistics are right, there are three times as many people living anxiously in their futures than are capable of living in their right Nows.
If the statistics are right, there are three times as many people living anxiously in their futures than are capable of living in their right Nows.

Being present in my now moment asks me to have faith in my life. Asks me to not be worried about anything but now. Asks me to enjoy myself, make a life to look forward to yes, so that when I get there, I will know it’s going to be something special for me to enjoy in that Now. I am entering a new space in my life where I can play and make and work at something that gives me and my readers joy to be a part of. I invite you to return to this blog, my home for my Creative Soul Living adventures.
I have a good feeling about us all.
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