It keeps coming up in my life, the importance of community to me. Aside from the understanding of community’s importance to our survival, where many hands guarantee we will eat and sleep safely under shelters, community is a place to find our own personal worth. That my gift to my community, however small, is still very important. My efforts are never without impact or purpose. It’s only in valuing this that the circle is completed. That the community itself is a life force, an entity that holds the people within, each with their own cog of the wheels that turn.

When you belong to a club, a church, or a group, you often join in the middle of its history. People with like minds and similar loves have come before and worked to create a place for me to belong. A “cloud of witnesses” is around us cheering us on to fulfill our purposes, do what we need to do, be together doing it.

worth in your community on

And the notion that we are never alone but as a civilization of communities tied together, there’s a butterfly effect. Each of us unwittingly influences the other. In how we spread our thoughts, our generosity, our kindness, our smiles. How we live out loud with integrity and vulnerability to give another person courage. This is our gift to our communities and to the world.

To be our best selves and to model what it looks like to be human and fallible and present. That each person has an inherent worth , a nobility of existence that in recognizing it’s value, rises the concept of community to a new level. That is the community I see myself belonging to. Will you join me?

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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.

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And as always, thank you for your visit.


  1. This is one of my favorite posts, Shalagh — really meaningful. I’m blessed to have you in my community. Please note that I provided a link to my website below. I think you followed another blog that never got off the ground, so unfollow me there and hook up with me here. :>) Sylvia’s Daughter Says is a “personal brand” that I have really wanted to go with and develop — but I also have “Because there is something among us to be praised” that I have used on my FB poetry page. I have many ideas for the website, but it is still coming together. Feel free to offer advice. Your website seems well put together and operational.

    1. First, thank you for your appreciation Tamara. I’m queued up to finally revamp this doggone thing. The longer your in blog land the more you know and the more you can’t do yourself. So here comes the new look and functional. Yippee and terror provoking. It’s taken me five years to hear my own voice. So that FB page for you was a good practice in doing that. I certainly will follow you. I am all about community and championing mine. It’s what you do, right? Thank you again!

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