Like so many others, I base my worth by what I do. I recognize this and try hard see my value as who I am to those I love. But that worthiness by accomplishment stands in my shadow waiting to slip into my thoughts when I’m having a bad day.
But I question what defines Enough. When have we done what we could to be proud of ourselves? It is our own created definition of success will govern this moment of celebration.
So, what does my “Success” look like?
I know an immense part of my success centers around my family. How I honor their care and employ my wisdom and limits to make the best choices for them. My children are compassionate and intelligent future adults and every day for me is a success as their mother.
The other part of me wants to succeed at being a writer, a thought leader, and a woman. I want to be clever and make a difference to people. But I do not have numbers I can attach to this. I only have a gut feeling that I need to keep sharing my thoughts and wisdom lessons so that if even one person benefits, I’m helping.
My success is then defined as having one person acknowledge my words and their power. Well I had that happen this morning. So I guess today is a Success. I had a few lovely emails a couple weeks ago. Perhaps I need to put a big pink star on my calendar when I receive these comments. And see how many successful days I really am having.
I will continue to write from my heart no matter.
But I’m curious, what are your definitions of success?
I love community, soulful candid conversation, and being in touch.
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