I absolutely love the opening scene from the animated Beauty and the Beast movie. Belle is walking obliviously through her village with a book and they’re singing the song about her and she’s annoyed by “This provincial life”. The song is entitled Belle and was nominated for an Academy award for best original song. I adore the movie but that song is my favorite. When I moved to this small town in rural America, I didn’t realize I too would be living a ‘Provincial life’.
Provincial is defined as “one living in or coming from a province”, as in the one I live, Caroline County (small). And “A person of local or restricted interests or outlook” and ” a person lacking urban polish or refinement”.

But unlike Belle’s town, there are book readers here. Forward thinkers and artists and retirees. Sometimes living here has aggravated me and sometimes I find it charming. But it is none the less, extremely provincial in a cozy sort of way. A nice place to raise kids.
What I feel most here are the traditions and the history and the future all tied together. The givens I’ve never experienced before.

Like Little League parades and a sense that everyone knows everyone’s business in a matter of fact way. And in maybe a “take care of you” way and not a “stab you in the back” kinda way. Denton, Maryland is reliable and a great place to raise kids. Or to hate raising kids if you can’t drop your city ways.
So we shop at the same grocery store called Food Lion, or Food Dog we like to call it. We say hey to everyone there and the people who work there are always so sweet to my daughter. We stroll over to the drive through at the bank. My son was anxious to receive the pneumatic tube’s gift.

And what better way to spend a couple of hours than getting my nails and done at Defining Moments with a gift certificate I received for Mother’s Day. Some day Fiona’s toes will be big enough to paint too.

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And as always, thank you for your visit.
Beautiful photo of you guys Shalagh and your town sounds lovely. You paint a lovely picture and it’s always so interesting to me to hear about life in faraway places : )
It’s what we love about your blog too Jane.Thanks you for reading and caring enough to say something. Looking forward to my cow picture.
Shalagh, it looks like a charming place with a lot of character. I would love to shop somewhere where I know everyone’s name. So lucky you are. I live in a good place to raise kids, but it doesn’t have the character your little town does. Nice pics!
Thank you for the compliment on my pictures. I think I do OK even without the right equipment( meaning nice digital camera). When you moved to where you are, did you know anyone? Or like us, was it all about the house? And you lucked out. And PS, we are never moving ever.