Torn Between the Garden and the Spring Cleaning : First World Problems

Torn Between the Garden and the Spring Cleaning : First World Problems

I can remember being very impatient with the way the seasons would take their time to move on. It seemed like an infinity to wait before Spring would arrive. I feel very differently now at twice the age. I like how long Winter takes because I don’t have as much to be responsible for while…

Inside vs. Outside

Inside vs. Outside

Looking for all the answers, my anchorsout there…everywhere.For a fix, for an answer.When inside is truly where my wisdom liesawaiting my discovery.Every day I pray for a shift.I wish for ease. I wish for a life in which I’m appreciative and grateful,instead of disgruntled.Behind me I drag flaming oozy life bits.Instead of forgiving them, severing…

The Close of April : Way Prettier Than It Started
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The Close of April : Way Prettier Than It Started

I was really forcing a smile when I wrote my first Spring post. Sometimes you put a smile on and hope to grow into it. I felt no love for the weather at the time. My faith was drained. But the earth, in the process of doing her ‘thing’, eventually she gets to you. April…