I have been a bit quiet on the keyboard for the past couple days. My brain exhausted and mulling over this past week’s Spring Soul Selfie Instagram challenge I hosted. Which is to say I came up with the hashtag #soul_selfie, created 7 days of prompts, and asked that people join in and post a picture and talk about their interpretation of the words in a deeper more meaningful way. And let me say that the results and participation blew my mind.
I was sincerely nervous about leading something. I had mulled it over and knew that I love to dig a little deeper into my soul’s answers and hoped maybe other people might. I only slightly trusted that there were a few people who would join me who liked me and maybe pitied me. The turnout and results far exceeded my expectations.
After sending out a private “pep-me-up-please” message to some friends, I dared to claim my intentions and I posted a challenge announcement. And suddenly people were saying “Yes” they would join. This was a seven-day commitment to post daily and read others’ posts but when I built it, they came.
They shared amazing insights and powerful memories. They shared sadnesses and gratitudes. They shared wonders and grief. And I was possessed by such a feeling of calm. This was exactly where I had wanted to be, reading and sharing and commenting on the marvelous words and thoughts of all these people.
I am immensely grateful that these near 30 lovely people were there for me when I stuck my neck out to do this. By the last day, my soul was filled to the brim. I read and took in their gratitude and just sat with it all quietly for a couple of days.
The things you fear most are in fact those things you really must get done. And once you allow for the first action, it will all fall into place.
I am extremely humbled that these marvelous men and women thought well enough of me to join in and I thoroughly enjoyed and was grateful for everything they offered. So much love goes to those people who validated so many parts of me. I was rendered speechless. Until next challenge.
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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.
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And as always, thank you for your visit.
You did such an awesome job Shalagh!! Well done! xx
Thanks Coach Sam! I am really glad you were there to encourage me to go through with it. Really glad!!! And I adore you.
I love the prompts Shalagh . Well done on being brave.
Oh thank you so much Druime. I will hope you can join in in October when I do this again. It was truly a joy to host. Don’t know if I can top myself.
thank you for the leading for and encouraging the contributors.
well done
I see ‘spring’ soul self, this means ‘summer’ soul self is coming! I’m in! Great job my dear.
Thank you Elizabeth!!! I am committed to doing something again in October. What say ye’ to that? Tickled that so many people joined in and enjoyed themselves.
I can’t thank you enough for hosting the challenge and I also got so much from it, taking so much away from it. Thank you. And, yep, definitely it was a great lesson in feeling the fear and doing it anyway!
I can not express my overwhelming gratitude for everyone’s enthusiasm Helen. I became more solid, more me. And that’s priceless. Gives me hope for what’s to come for both of us.
It was a wonderful series of images and thoughtful writings. Congratulations! You were a fabulous host and encourager.
I thank you much for this Dawn. I am thinking that this was so great that I’ll put it together in an ebook for people to enjoy!
Trying to think like a person who gets her own talent. Sigh. And I am glad that you said what you said that about me being an encourager. That’s tremendously important to me.
Love to ya’,