Today is the first day of the Second Creativity Bootcamp hosted by Jane Barry and her blog That Curious Love of Green. I mentioned that I’d be participating in this on Friday’s post entitled Blogging For the Love of Me in February and I thought I’d go ahead and share with you what this intention will entail. So here’s what I shared on our private Facebook group.
“As per Jane’s request, I’m claiming my intentions for Bootcamp here and now.
Last October’s Bootcamp found me already committed to 31 days straight of posts on my blog. I figured that the creations from this endeavor would help fluff up the content for that endeavor. It did but I never felt like I reached a satisfactory level of achieving the arting I’d set out to do. And so I’m trying this again. Same line up.
Week One : Collage
Week Two : Photo Styling
Week Three : Sewing
Week Four : Pastels
I even wrote up prompts for the collage and prescriptions for the styling days. You need to have a plan of some sort going in. You can deviate but you’ll not find yourself saying “what am I doing here” if you’ve already set your tasks out ahead of time. Been there done that last time.
Know that I always write, there’s always writing to be done. Journaling and blog posting and Instagraming. So writing practice is secondary here. This is me wanting to progress on those visual art practices that will stretch me and make me happiest on the other side of my brain.”
In preparation, I have cleaned my computer desktop off! I tried doing the same with my email account holding files but didn’t do such a great job. These two places have such a glut of unfinished unsorted business it’s like having an “Undone” hangover everyday I see them. Not Anymore.
I have scheduled a week’s worth of blog posts ahead knowing that this will free me up a little until I generate pictures to blog about. I’m feeling pretty righteous.
If you commit to something that will take up valuable time in your near future, I suggest doing food prep ahead and thinking of anything else you can to do ahead. Laundry, childcare, bill paying, or even dog walking done by someone else. Because you want to feel the glee of unencumbered creativity!
And I am very adamant this year about prioritizing my creations first. Before checking what anyone else has done in the Bootcamp feed, I’LL DO MY WORK FIRST. Before cleaning the bathroom, I’ll do my work. Before checking my emails, I’ll do my work.
And If you enjoyed what you read, subscribe, via the subscription box in the sidebar, to my thrice weekly posts via your emailbox. And visit me on Instagram to see my daily pictures, friend me or like my page on Facebook. Or come find me on Twitter orPinterest too. I am always practicing Intentional Intouchness so chat at me please. I live for conversations.
And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.
If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or
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And as always, thank you for your visit.
The planning is excellent. And I have no doubt despite what you may feel on occasion, the month will be grand!
The planning is excellent. It’s made it soo much easier to just get to work. And I think that the next couple months are going to be grand.
Thanks for your support Shannon.