You know that daggone bug was still in my system slightly yesterday. I’m calling it the morning sickness flu. Thankfully, I just ate breakfast and feel normal. The up side is that I lost a couple pounds. Part of that is also due to not being my wine drinking self as well. And I am happy enough to have a glass or two this evening while we’re out. But home consumption will be restricted in the hopes that more pounds will miraculously drop off. If you know me, that’s big.

I am enjoying a Saturday morning alone in the house. Yes, it’s true enough. All by myself. Without anyone else here. Solo mio. And what do you suppose I’ve chosen to do? E-mails, vacuuming, and laundry. All the things you’d want to do if you had time to yourself. Company coming tonight and tidbits of Christmas are still lurking in the dining room. This was also the sight for floral arrangement-athon yesterday. Messy business those florals. And I’ve decided that the visual decorative arts are such a strong part of my “thing” that I will build the necessary platform in this blog for everyone to see what I’ve been up to. Show and tell and why not?

Am contemplating what next week will make me do. Because what I really want to be doing is this. Writing. Yes, when you do what you love, money may follow. but really, there’s everything to be said for the feeling of well being and accomplishment you get having birthed, added to your body of work, and completed a new piece of you. I’d love to get paid and published but I’ll settle for the world’s reward for my love’s labors. Stay tuned.

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