Mother Nature is redecorating. She seems to be taking her time this year.

I have been taking my time to redecorate as well.

Virginia Creeper

For me, styling and inspiration can’t come unless I give them time, toys, and/or purpose.  I’ve always loved to “play” in my house.

Year round, temporary installations go up and come down on the dining room wall .

This year I redecorated for Fiona’s coming out party. And I’ve been juggling a baby ever since.

Nothing like having a baby to

a) appreciate all the time you used to have and

b) have no “spare” time to do the things you used to love to do.

Like breath, eat, shower in private, and restyle your home.


I hate that this always seems to be an issue for me. I’ll even corral all the elements into the room and then stare at them for weeks.

New leaf here. I’m going to “use” the blog as inspiration for a “better well lived life“.

This is a little inspiration I got from my Decor8 ecourse this morning from our teachers Lisa Nieschlag and Holly Becker.


So my challenge is to empower myself and make a difference in my life, enjoy it, and blog about it. I can’t tell you how much I actually enjoy creating this blog.

Although I’m not as technically proficient as some, I am declaring my imperfections human. So forgive me if the edges are dirty but my heart’s in the right place.


And a new goal? You will get to see the imperfect inside of my house on video soon. That’s right. I made an offhand promise not too long ago.

And maybe y’all can give me some suggestions.

(Which I can then promptly blow off and continue to do nothing but complain still about how frustrated I am about my decorating quandaries. Just kidding.)

If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or

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And as always, thank you for your visit.


    1. Because I might as well take the next step in our relationship and introduce you to my house. Alrighty, plotting the actuals now.
      Thanks Jennifer.

    1. Thanks Sabrina. I have a crap camera but a good eye. The e-course is ramping me up to take pictures.Thanks for stopping by to leave a note!

  1. I always have such mixed feelings about redecorating. On one hand, it’s nice to start anew, and to finally have things match up to what you’re envisioning, but on the other hand, it’s SO stressful and time consuming, plus expensive!

    1. Agreed. That’s why I end up doing things half way and then feel aggravated. As I explained to my husband last night,once I have imagined a design, I can’t unimagine it. I need to see it implemented. Equally frustrating are the rooms where I just don’t have a scheme at all. Thank you for your input Justine.

  2. I love imperfections! I always ensure that my art is imperfect in some way, it makes it so much more human I feel. What gorgeous colours and photographs, am looking forward to seeing the video too 🙂

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