Have you ever caught a look at yourself inside the room in the mirror? It is so enticing and almost exotic to see your life this way except in there it’s exactly the opposite. And it makes me wonder how the world in which she lives in may be different,  perhaps better. What secrets does she hold in that cabinet in the corner you see through the mirror that you may benefit from.

in the mirror on Shalavee.com

I think she knows how to laugh even more often than I. How to live a little more easily, choosing her energy to get right to the heart of what matters and what needs doing. I think she knows the way to live her life in the groove that feels easy and makes a difference daily to others. And she recognizes her worth in the greater picture.

She’s the one who gets up and creates everyday. She is left-handed after all. She eats those niggling fears for breakfast sprinkled on her oatmeal and does stuff anyway. She always feels grateful and has more than enough t be bringing youo give of herself everyday to her people, her life, her purpose.

She is the looking-glass me and she just waved. And look, she’s holding up a note. What does it say? Life is good on both sides. Love the life you’ve got, make room for the improvements, give yourself credit for them too.

PS : I won’t be bringing you a post on Monday July 4th as I think you’ll have enough to do and enjoy without my help. Catch up on my older posts if you want to. Put the word ‘esteem’ in the blog’s Searchbox and see what posts appear. Read them, they’re good.  Happy Holiday everyone!

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