Last year in November of 2017, I conducted my first Creativity Workshop. My passion on the subject of creativity comes from my experience of uncovering my authentic self by respecting my inner creative needs. This was a very rewarding and enlightening experience for me and my attendees.
And this year, on November 10, I’m conducting the workshop again.
The first Creativity Workshop wrap-up post can be found here. The people who came all recognized the importance of creativity in our lives but it was as if we all needed to hear this from one another to truly appreciate our own longings.
I wrote, “And I now understand the same fear that threatens to keep us from our truest and most authentic self is the same as that which keeps us from our most creative selves. I find this kind of knowledge is too juicy to keep to oneself. Because if you can separate yourself from your fear and feelings just long enough to make a better choice that makes you feel better, at least you know you have a choice.”
I have been called an Ambassador for Creativity and I think that’s flattering and true. We all deserve to enjoy the process of flow and finding out what we think of our worlds and ourselves separate from all the worry and to do lists. Consider joining our small group as we explore what creativity means to you.
The workshop will be held from 10 Am to 12:30 Pm at the Retreat House at Hillsboro at 22005 Church Street in Hillsboro, Maryland 21641. Seats are limited and Tickets are free and can be reserved by going to this site. There is a suggested donation and light refreshments will be provided.
I look forward to seeing you there!
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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.
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And as always, thank you for your visit.
Wish I could be there!
Me too!