It's Nice to be Nice to the Nice on

I was almost surprised at myself when I heard me say “Good job, you did great” inside my head. Because how often do I give myself compliments? Can’t remember. But I recognized recently that if you are not appreciating your own efforts, how can you be truly appreciative of others’ efforts. Being nice to you and others is truly the least we can do.

So, I started to notice others’ efforts. I started to tell people what I was impressed with when they did their jobs, especially when that job affected my life and well-being. I complimented the receptionist at the orthodontist on handling all our insurance submission paperwork so well. I complimented my chiropractor on how amazing it is that he understands the body so well to truly help us with our physical pain.

It's Nice to be Nice to the Nice on

Giving out nice words and nice feelings in a day makes both your day and theirs a little better. And somehow, I think it opened me up to being mindful of the effort it takes others and myself to accomplish our own jobs. While I would play down my own artistic talent, I can appreciate the effort it takes to pull of the luncheon party I did last week. And the Halloween night festivities. And the daily running of the lives and needs in my household while also indulging myself in playing and self-care.

As Frank Burns gushed guiltily over his commander’s cheerleader girlfriend, “It’s nice to be nice to the nice.” And the more happy karma you dump into the world, the more will come back to you. Respecting and thanking yourself for your efforts and your world will allow you to know that your life is worth living. And make a greater joyous impact on the world in the end. Ain’t nothing wrong with a life well-lived.

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  1. My writing partner and I now make an effort to celebrate our successes. Not just getting a project finished. Sometimes it’s getting a project started.

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