I knew my blogaversary was coming. This 4 year mark of writing, nay masterminding, this blog feels a little heavy. I just read that many blogs don’t make it past their 8th month. I remember that moment of doubt wondering if I wrote a blog in the woods, was anyone reading it? And I remember my drive to improve my writing overcame that doubt. And I would go on to improve my photography as well as my writing. Practice.

There’s definitely so much I’ve wished I could have made happen on my blog before now. Hard to watch all those who began blogging at the same time gaining such momentum while I feel like I’m at a stand still.

dollhouse entry on Shalavee.com

Yet it would be unfair for me to compare my blog to theirs. My work has not been just about blogging but about my self-discovery and self-esteem building. Rediscovering what it is that makes me me and figuring out how I want to purposefully share my mad creative and mentoring skills with the larger world. Thanks to the blog, I had something to spur that progress on.

Fiona thru the window on Shalavee.com

Because I can tell you that I never would have come as far as I have with my esteem work if I hadn’t been actively blogging. This blog has given me the excuse and the opportunity to reach out and ask questions. To make myself accountable to challenges I may not have been motivated to take on. And all of this, plus the incredible connections to real people all over the world, has made me into a better happier less neurotic human being. As well as a better parent and creative dynamo.

So here’s to listening to your inner voice and staying true to it. Here’s to being patient with the fact that stuff takes as long as it bloody well takes. And here’s to accountability and telling the truth. And to Kindness always, to yourself and others.

And If you enjoyed what you read, subscribe, via the subscription box in the sidebar, to my thrice weekly posts via your emailbox. And visit me on Instagram to see my daily pictures, friend me or like my page on Facebook. Or come find me on Twitter orPinterest too. I am always practicing Intentional Intouchness so chat at me please. I live for conversations.

And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.


If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or

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And as always, thank you for your visit.


  1. Happy Blogaversary, my friend. If there is one thing I’ve learned then, yes, it’s exactly as you say – to not compare to others. It is hard, because that seems to be some ingrained-in-us human trait, but I tend to surround myself with those who inspire, and push me to develop, and grow, and who make me want to achieve (even if the green eyes do appear every so often). It sounds like yours has been a beautiful journey – how wonderful to read. Here’s to another 4 (and many more!) xxx

    1. Tori ! Thank You so much. Staying a course that is truly you is harder than it seems. But that is all I have ever been able to do. And it makes the journey so much easier when I have such lovely truthful souls sisters to share and celebrate with. I’m gonna keep going and I’ll be in good company.

  2. What a lovely post, Shalagh! Happy 4th Blogaversary!! Yay! I’m so proud of you. As far as blogging goes, I always felt it was something I did for myself, my inner growth and to improve my writing. You are doing it for all the right reasons. I’ve seen so many bloggers come and go, too. Congrats to you for continuing the journey and believing in yourself!! xox

    1. Thank You Amy ! You have been here with me the whole time. I chose the .Org route. Lonely. I envied the .Com route with the amazing community you have. But I stay the course because, as you said, I need the growth and the writing practice ! Absolutely.
      Love to you,

  3. Congratulations Shalagh. And what a beautiful heartfelt place you have nurtured. Well done. I am struggling with the noise of the online world. Not sure if it is where I want to be but I miss my teeny little space I think if it every day. Happy writing to you. !

    1. Oh Thank You so much Druime. A weird and funny thing this blogging endeavor. I realized that I didn’t know what I would get in return. It ends up being connections! Who knew. Plus practice makes me better writer. A two for one if you ask me.
      Thank you thank you for your thoughts and your support.

  4. Happy 4h Blogaversary, Shalagh! Your blog, and writing, is alive and refreshing. I love your photos too – these ones of the dollhouse are a lovely view on the “blog that creativity & wondering built”. Cheers to your next four! xo

  5. Shalagh, I couldn’t have said this better myself. I blog to not only improve my writing but to discover me and connect with wonderful real people like you. I love your blog because it is real, it is personal and well I am always delighted. Like the pictures on this post. Holy crap are they amazing. I mean I am sitting here saying out loud to my cat and my books, “look how wonderful these are” The cat and the books really don’t care. These need to be printed and sold. Especially the one with your little girl looking through the window. dreamy.

    1. Oh Kira, Thank you so much for appreciating what I’m most proud of which is just being me. And my pictures, well I like them pretty well but I never am sure how good they seem to others. Except I knew that one through the doll house window was a good one. You made me laugh with “the cats and the books just don’t care”! Thank you for telling me that you are delighted. I’d rather ten truly nice people to follow me than a thousand people who are doing it because everyone else is. Yay!

  6. And to think I was thrilled with myself for reading your blog for about four weeks! Well done. And keep it up. Please.

    1. Well I’m pleased that in this ginormous world people with very like minds could find each other via the computer and become friends without ever seeing one another. We’re both doing a marvelous job. Thank you for reading dear Shannon.

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