My fabulous e-course teacher Holly Becker had asked for her students comments on her Blogging Your Way E-course during October 2012. As the window for enjoying the workshop resources is about to shut, I thought it time to  deliver my letter. And feel complete.

Dear Holly,

Several weeks ago, I had just listened to your last podcast for Blogging Your Way Bootcamp and typed a few notes sitting in front of my fireplace. I was sad the end of camp was near yet inspired. Per your request, I have gathered my bouquet of thoughts for you here.

First, I am overwhelmed by the sincere sentiment and supportive-ness of your teaching style. Where many aspire to teach and motivate, these talents come naturally to you. You’re a nice girl with no hidden agendas and a tough enough nut to keep your students hustling. I smiled when you would giggle to yourself over a thought you’d expressed.

Your tenacity to earn and achieve is inspirational and frightening, yet your kindness and generosity don’t undermine your strength. I was blown away and empowered when you talked about making money on your blog and how men would never apologize or ask for permission, why do women? I haven’t felt the entitlement to earn for my talent. But calling this blockage the spade it is had me looking into its evil eye. Nothing comes that you don’t believe is due you.

At one point, you described yourself having type-A burnout.  You challenged yourself using the negative voices as almost a dare. Happily, you’ve offered the greatest blogger’s permission: if it’s not fun then don’t do it. You very honestly said, “Do you really need to crank out a post today? Here are the organizational tools to do your very best and then let go of the rest”. Thanks for this borrowed permission.

Although many of your students are not creating visual design blogs, your visuals are gratifying. I found that I’d never thought of placing nice pictures unrelated to my subject. My verbal and visual sides were separated by pragmatism and logic. Creativity isn’t pragmatic and blogging is a creative process when we allow ourselves the luxury. Your course has opened up  unimagined options for me to join these two sides together.

My greatest gift from Decor 8’s Blogging Your Way Bootcamp is a better overview of where I am and where I want to go next. I earned confidence with my authentic voice and know my blog is grounded by my voice. And I feel confident that I’m right where I need to be and have the talent, smarts, and resources to figure the rest out as I go.

There’s a lot to learn and I have time to learn it, even as I interrupt all of this in February with the birth of a miraculous child. Foremost, I am proud of myself for showing up regularly at the camp, on my blog, and for learning new technologies and slowly making blog friends.

Am I having fun? I think I am. Do I wish I was further along? Yes, of course. But blogging, like life, is a process not a destination.

The hope has rubbed off. And I am grateful.



If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or

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  1. What a lovely post Mrs H – inspiring in and of itself. I agree totally with your commentary on the course and I feel lucky to count you as one of my new blogging friends.

    Good egg no. 2 😉 x

  2. Thank you Ms. G. I feel complete in my participation the actual course. So many things to work on beyond. Am stuck in the revamp. Have to take a look at why.
    Love ya,

    1. Well don’t forget why we do this crazy blogging thing – cos we love it right? You don’t need to revamp your words and that’s what we come to read xx

        1. You’re right -no place for platitudes – I wouldn’t “settle” either. You know what you want and now you have the tools to do it – go forth and beautify 😉 x

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