When I began my blog 7 years ago, all I knew was that I was creating an opportunity to write. My number one goal was to improve my writing. Little did I realize that I would be forced into becoming a social media maven. Or ignite my creativity and use these benefits to lower my anxieties. I had a lot of learning and growth ahead of me. I also had some tough times as I watched the world of people go do the things they were meant to do and leave me in their wake.
When you are online, it’s very hard to not notice that other people are getting their stuff done. They’re making communities and creating email lists and online courses. And you can EASILY feel as if you are completely incapable of doing any of this well enough to fit in much less rise to the top of the mountain you feel you too are meant to climb.
A well-respected online business branding consultant Kathleen Shannon of Braid Creative once said that as a blogger, you have to remember that there are A, B, and C levels to blogging. The newest people are the A’s. My blog site was very simple and primitive when I began. I didn’t take pictures and was entirely too verbose and I watched others online and groaned at my novice-ness.
But then eventually, I had to concede that I must have become a level B blogger. I understood enough about social media to know I disliked Twitter and Facebook too for that matter. All I wanted to do was just hang out on Instagram. And I kept writing, following other bloggers, taking courses, attending conferences, and I stayed friends with people. Eventually I realized that I was now even better of a writer than I had ever imagined I’d become. And that making money and gathering email addresses was not the kind of blogger I was.
So now I’m wondering, if I am not your typical blogger, what is it that I truly want to do with this vehicle? Of course, being online has allowed me to develop my voice and some pretty cool theories. I’ve quelled so much of my anxieties. But there’s one last wall I need to break through when it comes to my self-doubt. I may now have graduated to a C level blogger but I don’t want to act like one. Just because the public expects us to take a certain path with our blogs doesn’t mean we have to.
So here’s celebrating 7 years of devoting yourself to anything! In this case, it was my blogging and writing. And I am truly proud of myself for this devotion to connecting with what I think, getting better at expressing it, and connecting with a like-minded global community. My world is so much larger now than I ever imagined. I guess I’ll just keep blogging because I have to keep writing.
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And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.
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What is a C level blogger?
More knowledge. Using it to make money I suppose.Blogging for companies.