As I come round to understanding what it is I am doing all this for, what drives me to write and share and create, I know it’s to give back the wonderful inspiration that I delight in when I read and see other creative’s work. To be inspired is a wonderful feeling and recycling inspiration seems as good a reason as any to do what you do, especially if it’s fun.

I’m often taken aback when people approach me at a fair or in a store and say, “I love reading your blog!” because I’m always surprised they read my blog. I am so grateful to see their face and know them and hear them say they enjoy what I’m doing. I am truly flattered. From my perspective, there’s actually no proof, save Facebook statistics and my readership’s comments, that says anyone is actually reading what I write.

checkin out the rib specials on

There’s a little space between us, the writer and the reader. A pocket of anonymity I’m grateful for being busted. A real face that I can imagine when I’m talking/writing which is so necessary for me. And in that space there’s also a reverence that I don’t always feel I deserve. Just because I do this spilling my guts thing doesn’t mean I’m any more or less weird or anxious or normal than anyone else. And that’s what I want to emphasize.

Having a blog or a jewelry store or a DJ business or being Beyonce’s assistant doesn’t make anyone any more anything than anyone else.

I am no more glamorous, blessed, talented or lucky than anyone else.

I am a ridiculous ball of anxiety who’s slowly finding her way out of the dark forest that I’ve wandered about in for a very long time. I wrote a post on not being better than you. I do not want to be raised on any pedestal ever.

So I say to you Miss Reader or Miss Diane or Miss Barbara and Miss Ann, you are all astounding and inspirational women. And I am so flattered that you would choose to read my blog. Thank you so very much. And I hope one day to hear from you about what you were inspired to do by reading anything I wrote. That would be the fullest circle and I’d be over the moon to hear your stories.

And If you enjoyed what you read, subscribe, via the subscription box in the sidebar, to my thrice weekly posts via your emailbox. And visit me on Instagram to see my daily pictures, friend me or like my page on Facebook. Or come find me on Twitter orPinterest too. I am always practicing Intentional Intouchness so chat at me please. I live for conversations.

And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.

If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or

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And as always, thank you for your visit.


  1. My favorite thing about this one? That sweet Fiona has book strewn all over!!! And that look of wonder as she reads the menu.

    1. My kid takes great pictures alright. I really liked the , even if you’re Beyonce’s assistant line myself.
      You are a dear reader and I thank you profusely for this. Thank you 10x.

  2. You always inspire me, Shalagh. And while I may not be as crafty, I do take that inspiration and use it for writing. I don’t have the quite the patience for some of your endeavors, but I do admire them.

    1. I feel exactly the same way Amy. You inspire me with your community building and your devotion to your Friday Fictioneers. Plus you were a dancer. Hello, I’m not. So crafty people and dancers can find mutual inspiration with each other.

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