More than any year prior, I felt into my word of the year as honestly as I could, and it commanded my New Year choices of change. Leapy was the word I chose to guide me this year. My own personal leap year has encompassed so many life changes that make this birthday sweeter in ways I’d never imagined.
When was the last time I thanked myself for my choices? Felt real gratitude for the steps and changes I made to reach my current right now? This has been a lovely unregretful year of choices and shifts for my midlife Queenager* self.

I’ve been inspired by real life women who expand my understanding of how to live a life truer to oneself. Aspired to be happy, safe, relaxed, pleasured, and comfortable with no regard to my body size, weight, whiteness of my teeth, glow of my skin, and perfect hair. I ‘m just grateful to be in the process.
We owe our Death a life of Living.
This feels like a truer beginning more than ever before. I’m keenly aware that, “How I hold myself helps my loved ones to stand where they are”, a comment I wrote in my journal just last night. Do as I do, maybe not always as I say.

Eleanor Mills, a fellow Substack writer and creator of The Queenager Substack, spoke somewhere about being very present for not only the little ones with cheerios stuck between chubby sticky fingers, but the ones dying in hospice. And she expressed that We owe our Death a life of Living.
At this sudden moment in my life, I crave NOW. My gratitude only need wrap around today, so I am willing to hang about without my phone and see what goes down.
I am willing to participate in the upgrade of my joy and pleasure in this one precious life. I’ve heard rumors about how it’s easier to love life within your body. At heaven’s gate, no one will ever say “I had too much fun and too many orgasms”.
Curious about what steps I’ve put into motion this year? Read My Remarkable Repertoire of Life Changing Anxiety Reducing Choices on , published on August 16th, 2024, a perhaps controversial collection of all the ways I’ve assuaged my overactive Sympathetic Nervous System. Because sometimes mental pain is as painful as physical pain. I want to heal all of the shame wounds that take me down.
Want to know more about what I’m about?
Go to my Start Here page here on
*A term coined by Eleanor Mills on her site Noon, a Queenager is a woman in her midlife, between ages 45 and 65, who is comfortable with her age and has more influence and spending power than she did when she was younger. She lives more freely as she was when she was a teenager.
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