I am a firm believer that creativity builds self-trust and thwarts anxiety. I spent a lot of time studying the inverse relationship between creativity and anxiety. So much so that I have deemed myself an Ambassador to Creativity. As such, I am always wanting to create ways that we can create together. And participating in the #100 Day Project has been one of those ways.

I have completed the project two years in a row. I was very pleased with my results from the first year when I validated my suspicion that I could draw with pastels and pencils. As a study in mindfulness, I drew an object from my life or my household or my past daily. See the wrap up post for 2018’s project HERE . The second year, I just did collages on postcards which also doubled as my contribution to the ICAD (index card a day) challenge. See the Wrap up for 2019’s project HERE and all the links within for the posts prior.

The trick to this challenge is always to put yourself to something daily that won’t take anymore than 15 to 30 minutes. I’ve seen people do haikus and quick embroidered quilt squares. You have to be able to actually do it. Because in the first couple weeks, it’s easy to give up. But there’s a point when the creating becomes a habit, a need, and a sort of religious-like discipline.

The 100 day challenge starts tomorrow and I am still not exactly sure what I’m choosing to do but I do know that there has truly never been a better time to take on this sort of creative challenge than right now. And I look forward to connecting with other like creative minds and cheer them on as they create a positive memory in a time that feels more than a little negative.

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  1. Oh yes! I’m doing messy art cards! It’s incredible what 10 min of creativity per day can do for our well being. I can’t wait to see which will be your project!

      1. I am so excited that you are doing this! I messaged you a link to the the site at the 100 day project .org #the100dayproject and you’ll get a better overall understanding. I think it’s origins are from students at BU?

    1. I am there too. Sometimes it’s easy to come up with something and sometimes it’s harder. But that’s today’s goal. We’re better under pressure. Good luck!

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