Yes, hearts and stars, it was five years ago I began my blogging career . Truly, besides birthing children, it is the second largest miracle in my life. That I gave my love of writing the respect that it was due and entered into a contract with myself to get better by blogging regularly, that was huge. This, the bottom line, the why of my blog, was solid.

turnbridge point porch on shalavee-staging-1.local

But the how of my blogging would be the journey worth traveling. I almost stopped, as many bloggers do, after 6 months, but then bettering my writing was my goal, my give a shoot, so I focused solely on that. I had no idea what I was doing otherwise.

Dealing with the technology threatened to undo me several times too. I nearly lost my mind to the fear and anxiety with just installing the mechanics and the upkeep of the blog. But I kept on keeping on. And because I knew it was what you were supposed to do, I joined Facebook and Instagram and to my amazement, discovered that there were wonderful like-minded people all over the world.

My 5th Blogaversary on

However, the biggest discoveries were the ones I found had happened inside of me. I gained a truer understanding of who I was, what was important for me to be, and that I could count on myself. I separated the real me from the one I imagined I should be but wasn’t. And the person I am today is completely due to to his blogging journey I’m on. I have been able to peel back such layers of me and show the world that it’s possible to be authentic without too much reprisal. Yes there are trolls out here but they only make you stronger.

So I’m in for the long haul for this blog. I intend for there to be some changes to it for the better sooner than later. But my voice and my clear intention to be me and continue to grow and learn unapologetically will remain. I love each and every one of you my devoted readers so much because you know I mean it when I say I do this for both of us.

Read my thoughts from my 4th Blogaversary here.

Read what I said on my 2nd Blogaversary here.

And If you enjoyed what you read, subscribe, via the subscription box in the sidebar, to my thrice weekly posts via your emailbox. And visit me on Instagram to see my daily pictures, friend me or like my page on Facebook. Or come find me on Twitter orPinterest too. I am always practicing Intentional Intouchness so chat at me please. I live for conversations.

And, as always, Thanks to you for your visit.

If you have any thoughts, please drop a word below in the comments. Or

Find and friend me on Instagram to view my daily pictures and art projects.

Find and Facebook friend me.

If you are interested in reading more of my thoughts on Creative Soul Living, place your name into the subscription box in the sidebar on the right and subscribe to my weekly posts delivered straight to your inbox.

And as always, thank you for your visit.


    1. Thank you Jennifer. Your encouragement is very much appreciated. It’s such a slow process this making of me.
      Love to you and yours!

  1. Congrats on making it to year 5! That’s awesome! 🙂 I wish you many more years of blogging ahead (if you want) and lots of writerly growth in your future! 🙂

    1. Hey Mandy!
      Thank you so much for your well wishes for my blogging adventures. Growth is a great thing if it fulfills your soul wishes.
      I appreciate you leaving your kind thoughts.

  2. Shalagh, congratulations! Your voice is so authentic, I feel like you are my neighbor and I could walk across the yard and have a tea with you. I like your photos too, those take time!!

    1. Blair! Thank you so much for your kind words. That I can not see what you see makes them all that much greater a gift.
      You are invited to come over anytime so keep that in mind if you visit here.

  3. Happy Blogaversary, Shalagh! Congratulations on 5 years – that’s an achievement for sure. I’ve been reading for 2 years now, and you just keep getting better – even though I loved your words from the start 🙂 Cheers to year 6!!

    1. I can not tell you Dawn how happy you’ve made me with all of your visits. When I thought I was writing to no one, you would show up. You are much appreciated.

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