It was bound to happen. My son delivered a bold face lie to my face. When I realized I said,”I knew you’d lie to your Dad but I never thought you’d do it to me.” Needless to say, he was very remorseful for disappointing me. And here’s the thing, we all make choices that are just not good.
The bad choices that we make can hurt others or just ourselves. They are the ones that make us cringe when we think about having made them. And we all make them.

So the next day, I asked my son to tell his sister what he’s done. Why he wanted to know. Hadn’t he suffered enough already? I said because the only way you will get beyond the shame of making a bad decision is to own it. You have to claim your mistake and no one can ever use it against you again. I’m not sure he gets it yet. But you do.
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What great life lessons you are teaching your children.
I explained to my son that the reason that ex-junkie turned public speaker was so compelling is because he owned his truth . Thank you.
I love that you had your son talk to his little sister 🙂 I read a lot on telling lies as a child/adolescent. As a parent it is so hard to know that our kids will suffer through mistakes no matter how well we try to teach them. Living is one of those things that is soooooo hard for me to accept as a parent, yet all the research shows that ‘all kids lie’ and it’s a part of normal and natural development. But keeping our focus forward and upward we just have to trust that we try our best and that one day they will ‘get it.’ 🙂
Life is truly the best teacher. Thank you so much for reading and telling me what you were thinking!